This book is a detailed, personal, and inside account by world-famous environmental scientist, Jim Hansen, of the unfolding of our insight into what is euphemistically called “global warming.” Perhaps, instead, we should rename this process “the unfolding planet-killing disaster.” We read about Hansen’s experiences as a NASA climate scientist (ultimately director of its Goddard Institute for Space Studies) from the 1980’s through the present. As a testament to his blunt, truth-telling grit, these experiences include the Bush I White House trying to get him fired for protesting their doctoring of his Congressional testimony. Read the rest of this entry »
Beyond the Book
‘Storms of my Grandchildren’ Review
Obama’s Nobel Prize Address
Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize address, shown above, is a remarkable historical document. His intuitive and empirical grasp of the issues involved in the humane use of coercive force (death from a distance) in international politics is remarkably consistent with our theory’s predictions (Chapters 16 and 17). See especially his comments on the use of force in geopolitics (12:55-19:40) and on the panhuman condition (22:25-25:50).
Additional thoughts or comments anyone?
Objections to our approach in ‘The Evolution of Human Language’
Selected elements of the theory described in Death from a Distance and the Birth of a Humane Universe are synopsized in a chapter in this book. The critique below by the editors of this volume refers specifically to this chapter; however, the questions raised also have broader relevance. Read the rest of this entry »